In summary: up to eight new nuclear reactors, increasing off shore wind generation to 50GW, some onshore wind farms where there is local support (they will get cheaper energy bills,) consideration of reform of planning rules for solar panels on homes and commercial buildings to increase solar output by 5 times by the year 2035, new licensing for North Sea oil and gas, and a £30m “Heat Pump accelerator competition” to promote British Manufactured heat pumps.
There was nothing about improving home insulation and the strategy does NOTHING to help reduce energy consumption and rising energy bills in the immediate future.
Details of the strategy are yet to be published.
Ecowarrior says
One of the quickest ways to increase our independence on energy supplies is to reduce our consumption which at the same time reduces our emissions YET there is absolutely nothing in the strategy about this. No help, so desperately needed to improve the insulation of millions of homes, many of which have an EPC of D or below. Many of the fuel poor live in such homes. Energy bills are rising, recently by 54% and another increase due in the autumn. More than ever before the fuel poor are faced with the stark choice of eat or heat. What support the Government have recently offered will nothing like cover the increasing costs of gas and electricity. Yes we need an energy supply strategy but we also need an energy reduction strategy. The average household energy bill is now £1,971 per year and rising.
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