Just announced, June was the hottest ever recorded since records began in 1880. Attributed to ever rising carbon emissions. Will the Government keep to their Paris emission reduction pledges? Will they publish the promised reduction plan in October? M.P’s must get the message that this really matters. Do what you can.
ecoreader says
If the current trend continues, we might reach the tipping point to runaway warming much sooner than expected. But do we see any sense of urgency from our government? Do we see any desire in the general public to change lifestyles? Do we see the media educating the public? I shall just have to continue sending letters to head-in-the-sand politicians and newspaper editors. A labour of Sisyphus. And in the meantime, the World Bank is supporting a projected coal-burning power station in the Balkans. You couldn't make it up. I am thinking of buying a survivalists manual. Apres nous le deluge!
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