“YOU’VE GOT SIX YEARS LEFT – GET ON WITH IT!” That was the message from climate expert Sir John Houghton at Church Stretton School last night (13 October 2009). Sir John certainly pulled no punches as he told it like it is: the developed countries have generated a global warming process that is already going to result in two degrees of warming, and the government ‘needs to get a move on’ if it is to prevent climate change getting out of control.
As a former Chair of the International Panel on Climate Change Sir John brought a personal insight into the scientific consensus that backed up his call for urgent action. “We’re not a bunch of greenie activists pursuing our own agenda” he said, “we’re scientists who have spent decades doing the research and we have collectively come to this conclusion in probably the most rigorously tested process ever.”
In the course of a lengthy question and answer session before a packed audience, he refuted suggestions that global warming was due to sunspot activity or other natural factors, but was non-committal about some of the more extreme theories being put forward.
“Tipping points and so-called positive feedback -these things may be true”, he said, “they need more research and we don’t know yet – but the things we do know are quite serious enough for us to need to take action now.We have six years in which to take the necessary steps to halt our dependence on fossil fuels – and then to reduce our use to almost zero.There are many ways in which we can do this without destroying our way of life or our economy, in fact many of them would enhance our economic position; but we have got to start doing it now.”
Sir John was pretty rude about politicians who, he said, had so far done very little to implement a programme of non-carbon energy production. He put up a heat-sensitive photograph of the Houses of Parliament, showing that the seat of government was very poorly insulated. “This shows the extent to which hot air is being wasted!” he said, to general merriment.
He called for a programme of combined tidal, solar and wind energy to be initiated in the UK, and for the developed countries to support the third world develop similar technologies.
“The technology is there; they just need to get a move on” he said. One of the first things ordinary people could do was phone their electricity company and ask to be put on a green energy tariff. “ If you do that, the energy companies must provide the equivalent of your energy consumption from non-carbon resources” he explained. “If everyone just did that, the energy companies would have no choice but to invest in renewable energy production.”
Eco Warrior says
I went to hear Sir John - not sure if Man in the Pub was there -if he was he kept very quiet and maybe was finally convinced that Global Warming is for real man - and thanks to S. McCann (All Stretton) for putting him right about the Manhattan Declaration in their letter to Stretton Focus (December Edition).
Sir John is right - we are having funny weather - snow this time last year and today 1st November I haven't even got the heating on. Weird!!
I've wrapped up my home with insulation, banished my draughts, bought my low energy bulbs and threatened the kids with some dreadful fate if they ever leave anything in stand-by again.
Now I'm asked to reduce by 10% by next year. Can probably manage that by using the car less and getting the bike out from the back of the shed. BUT - BUT - what bothers me is all those neighbours who still have't got the message yet. The world's in trouble - Sir John said we have to start getting carbon emissions down and we've only got 'till 2016 to try and prevent run away increases in global temperatures. How selfish can you be man if you don't start doing something right now. I couldn't live with myself if I was making it worse for my grandchildren by not trying to do something about it.
What is it that prevents people in the Strettons and elsewhere from taking real action? - ignorance (can't be that for they seem a bright lot round here) - fear that it's too late (it's never too late) - feeling of helplessness (every little helps) -do they think Governments will save us (don't hold your breath) selfishness (surely not.) Please anyone out there who reads this PLEASE add to the blog and tell me why folk are so reluctant to take real action. I've halved my carbon footprint over the past few years and it hasn't really hurt, well not that much - I still wear ordinary clothes, eat ordinary food, mind you I look at all the labels and refuse to buy stuff that's been shipped hundreds of miles and am trying to cut down on meat a bit.
Tell you what - if a few folk will blog in and offer their reasons why more folk aren't taking action I'll reveal my footprint to the whole world and tell you how I've done it!!!
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